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Working to Line

Build Inclusive Green Financial Flows

Home » Taxonomy


Green / Blue Initiatives

Inclusive lending ($2m available to kick off)

Good Practice sharing among Central Banks and Financial Institutions

Private Sector Involvement

Reporting / Compliance

the igfp


Contribute to national policies and targets.

The taxonomy should contribute to the key inclusive and/or environmental targets in PNG’s policies, strategies, and programs, and the subsequent revisions to the taxonomy should respect PNG’s sustainable development priorities.

Cover priority economic sectors.

The taxonomy should cover the identified priority NAP sectors and contribute to the transition of key economic sectors into sustainable ones.

Comply with ESG standards.

The taxonomy must comply with minimum international environmental, social, governance, and risk management regulations and standards.

Address and make a significant contribution(s) to addressing environmental challenges and promoting inclusive growth.

PNG’s key environmental and climate risk challenges should be addressed while ensuring the inclusion of marginalized groups in the country’s economic growth.

Align with international standards and good practices.

The taxonomy should reference and align with compatible international standards and practices.

Iterative, dynamic, and continuous review and development.

The taxonomy should reference and align with compatible international standards and practices.

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